Advertising terms & conditions
Before sponsoring a page in Discover Scotland please read the following terms and conditions very carefully.
This agreement is between the Publisher (Discover Scotland Ltd) and the Advertiser. The Publisher publishes content via electronic magazines and websites and provides for the delivery of advertising materials to the public within associated media platforms.
1. The Publisher retains the right to refuse any advertisement and does not guarantee the inclusion of any particular advertisement.
2. All advertising must be paid for at the time of booking or within 10 days of the date of invoice, which will be sent out shortly after the order is taken. Cheques, cash and BACS payments are acceptable. If payment is not received on time the Publisher reserves the right to omit the unpaid advert. If an advance booking is made and payment is not received in accordance with our terms the full rate card price per single advert will be charged for any advertising already published. Any discounts or offers quoted in advance will no longer be applicable.
3. Cancellation of an agreed advance booking must be made before any adverts are published. Any adverts that have already been published will be charged at the full rate card price as single adverts of whatever size was agreed. Advance discounted deals are not payable by instalments. They are payable in full at the time of booking or within 10 days of the date of invoice. They are quoted as a single payment only.
4. If an advert is missed out through no fault of the publisher, such as: (a) new copy or content was not received on time or it was not possible to get a proof approved, despite our best efforts in trying to contact your representative; (b) payment has not been received and the advert(s) are removed pending payment; (c) the Advertiser’s business has ceased trading; there will be no refunds for any unused adverts that have been paid for in advance, nor will they be added on to the duration of the booking at a later date if a) and b) or c) are resolved.
5. If the Advertiser cannot supply a ready-made advert the Publisher can offer a design service and produce a proof for alterations and approval. The number of times an advert can be altered is up to the discretion of the Production Department.
6. The Publisher takes no responsibility for any loss occasioned to the Advertiser by any mistakes, spelling mistakes or omissions in an advert. It is the Advertiser’s responsibility to check adverts when published. Any mistakes must be pointed out in writing within 10 days of publication of the advert and the Publisher will endeavour to rectify them as soon as possible in time for the next issue. The total liability of the Publisher for any error, misprint or omission shall NEVER exceed the amount of a full refund of the price paid to the Publisher for the advertisement in which the error arose.
7. The Advertiser agrees to indemnify the Publisher in respect of all legal costs, damages or other costs arising from the publication of the advertisement in accordance with instructions supplied to the publication by the advertiser.
8. It is the Advertiser’s responsibility to ensure there are no copyright restrictions on any of the words and images used in the advertisement and that they have the full permission of the copyright holder.
9. The deadline for advert submissions is usually around the 20th of the month prior to publication (i.e.20 January for February edition) excluding January when the deadline is 15 December. Materials received after that date may not be able to be inserted for the pending issue – unless prior arrangements have been made by contacting the Production Dept.
Materials should be sent in e-mail form. Pictures and logos are to be sent in digital form at high resolution. Ready-made adverts must comply with professional standards and be approved by our production staff.
10. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to notify the publisher of any amendments to adverts if required. If the Publisher does not hear from the advertiser then the last advert of the correct size on file will be inserted.
11. The publisher and production staff will, to the best of their ability, ensure all advertisements appear with regularity for the period they have been booked, but will not be held liable for any loss occasioned to the advertiser by the failure of any advertisement to appear for any cause whatsoever. If an advert is inadvertently omitted as a result of a fault by the publisher it is normal policy to extend the period of booking by one month, with no further cost to the advertiser.
12. The positioning of adverts is at the Art Director’s discretion unless one of a limited number of guaranteed positions has been booked by arrangement.
13. Discover Scotland is published on-line around the 1st of each month. No responsibility will be taken by the Publisher for any loss occasioned by the failure of the magazine to be published on or around the scheduled date.
14. A request to place an advertisement assumes acceptance of all of these conditions.